The Process


The sketching process was the start of this project. By having us create around 60-100 sketches to come up with ideas and designs for the rebranding of our project.
Some of the first sketches I created were to try and find unique ways of how both of the B's in Beans & Barley can work together.


Digital Roughs

This part of the design was for us to start transfering our sketches into digital designs on illustrator.
Some of the first designs I created were to try and work with the image of the archetype with the brand.

digital-roughs digital-roughs digital-roughs


Field Trip to Beans & Barley:


During my field trip to Beans & Barley, I noticed the environment being calm and serene. When you first walk up to this building you notice the greenery all around the building. The fully grown leaves and flowers right as you walk up with some out door seating to enjoy it. This place has a resturant area to sit down and eat, while also having a quick order to go station as well. There is a grocery store area right by the to go food section where you can get all your small neccessities and other little knick-knacks. The aesthetic within this place was modern and had a lot of greenery within. They had msot of their walls and signs in the color green, while having hints of red and browns throughout. It was a very inviting place to sit down and enjoy or to even grab something quick and take it to-go. The workers here were very polite and helpful to customers, they were all a bit older and seemed to enjoy each conversation a guest brought to them. The customers inside seemed a bit older and mostly women. I noticed at the grocery store section it was mostly older women who were very nice and there were items mostly targeted towards women within the shopping section. Such as having in house products for your kitchen and other aesthetically pleasing house hold items.


The current personality of this brand is modern with lots of vegetation. Which relates to the food and items they sell, with it being vegetarian and organic they want the atmosphere to represent that as well. I would describe the customers to be mostly targeted towards vegetarian and organic consumers. The customers come into this place already knowning it has mostly a vegetarian food and with knowning that they seemed to come in with an idea already in mind for their orders. The staff seemed happy and helpful to those who they were speaking to. This type of calm environment stimulates employees to enjoy their job and are helpful to the customers within. The visual elements that stood out to me within this place was all of the greenery, as well as having many hints of bright red around from the Beans & Barley logo sign.